Women love receiving flowers and many also love working with flowers. For Women’s History Month, Tulsa’s premier florist shop, Mary Murray Flowers, is recognizing one of very own and focusing on the amazing contribution she has made in the success of our business. We are also featuring a list of famous women throughout history and their favorite flowers – maybe it’s the same as yours!
Dorothy Levick was an unbelievable character. She stood 5’0 even and always wore walking shorts and knee socks to work every day. She carried a little black book with her of every customer she helped and wrote little tidbits of information on each one. She wrote thank-you notes to our customers, called each and everyone when we would receive something she knew they would be interested in. If she hadn’t spoken to them or if they had not ordered flowers in a while, she would phone just to check on them. Because of her, every person who walked through our front door would be bathed in service. They left feeling like a million dollars and knew they were in good hands. Dorothy knew the importance of each customer and made sure they knew they were appreciated. Dorothy was in her late 70’s when she worked here but for 10 years after she finally retired customers would call or stop by just to say hello. Dorothy passed away but we will never forget her standard of excellence or how she made each of us feel.

Lady Bird Johnson – Lavender Bluebell
Lady Bird Johnson loved flowers — and wildflowers in particular. Her love of flowers is one reason why we see more of them along U.S. highways instead of unsightly junk. During her residence in the White House as First Lady, she pioneered the Highway Beautification Act, which passed in 1965. Lady Bird believed the beauty of flowers could boost the mental health of a community and she worked diligently to get more flowers and park benches place in cities across America. Her favorite wildflower was the lavender bluebell. A delicate and regal flower, the bluebell represents humility, devotion, and gratitude.

Zoe by Mary Murray’s Flowers
Michelle Obama – Hydrangeas and Pink Roses
For former First Lady Michelle Obama, her favorite flowers are pink roses and hydrangeas. An intelligent woman who is also an author and lawyer, Michelle has become a role model for healthy living and exudes style and grace wherever she goes. The pink rose is a beautiful, fragrant flower that denotes femininity, elegance, and refinement – characteristics Michelle Obama has in abundance, and hydrangeas stand for deep understanding and empathy – traits this remarkable woman also possesses.

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