Mary Murrays Flowers

Mary Murrays Flowers

Posted by marymurraysflowers on September 21, 2020 | Last Updated: September 22, 2020 Uncategorized

Hardy Plants for New Plant Owners

What’s the best way to quickly spruce up your home? Add some beautiful green plants! Fresh, living, and beautiful, plants add a pop of color and bring intrigue and life to any room. If you’re not sure about how green your thumb is, don’t worry. We have specially curated a list of low-maintenance, easy-to-grow, and hard-to-kill plants just for beginners. Choose one or more plants from the selection below and being your life-long love of plants (it’s a side effect of having plants). Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy all of the health benefits plants provide too.

Heartleaf Philodendrons

Also known as the Sweetheart Plant, this is a trailing plant with dark green, heart-shaped leaves that have a natural high shine to them. There are also varieties with leaves that have a beautiful yellow and green variegated pattern. Adaptable to most lighting conditions, this plant is easy to grow and is a great starter plant. For optimum growth, place in an area with a moderate amount of indirect light and let the soil dry out between waterings. Being mildly toxic, make sure to keep pets and kids away.

Snake Plant

This striking plant has stiff, lengthy vertical leaves with pointed ends. The leaves are dark green with margins of bright yellow. They also come in green and yellow variegated patterns. The Snake Plant, also called the Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is very resilient and hard to kill. It can handle low light or bright light and a spotty watering schedule. The Snake Plant is a great air purifier as it converts CO2 into oxygen during the night.


Most people know Aloe for its medicinal properties in its leaves, primarily to soothe sunburns, but they also make striking houseplants. Their cool, spiky, thick leaves can grow in length up to 20 inches. They require little maintenance and grow much faster than most other succulents. Aloe loves the sun, even direct sunlight. Place in a pot that drained and wat until soil dries out between waterings.

Fittonias (Nerve Plant)

This pretty plant comes in a variety of leaf colors and has veined leaves giving it a very ornamental look. It loves water so is perfect for those overwaterers out there. They love humidity and warm conditions so misting in between waterings may be necessary. Place in bright, indirect light and wait for soil to dry out before watering.

Wandering Jew Plant

A very attractive and colorful plant native to Mexico, this gorgeous plant is considered difficult to kill. Their leaves are a pretty purple and green with purple growth being more new than the green growth. Keep in bright, indirect light or the colorful leaves will fade. Mist frequently as it loves high humidity and keep the soil moist.

Money Tree Plant

The Money Tree plant is easy to grow and is relatively low maintenance. It’s cool braided trunk gives it a quirky, unique appearance and it bright green leaves makes it brighten up any space. Perfect for corners, it can grow as tall as six feet indoors. The Money Tree plant prefers moderate, indirect light but can fare well in low light conditions as well. Place in a well draining pot and water when the top 2-3 inches of the soil are dry.