Mary Murrays Flowers

Mary Murrays Flowers

Posted by marymurraysflowers on March 20, 2015 | Last Updated: February 25, 2020 Uncategorized

Welcome Spring!

Winter in Tulsa is winding down, and spring is almost officially here! If you can’t wait for the flowers to bloom outside, then why not celebrate the season of new beginnings indoors with a beautiful floral arrangement from Mary Murray’s Flowers? There’s truly no better way to bid winter adieu and say bonjour to spring!

Fun Facts about Spring Flowers and Springtime

This year, spring officially begins on March 19th. The flowers don’t know what day it is, but they can sense the lengthening days and warming temperatures. This warmer temperature prompts them to start growing and ready to bloom.

Although we mark the start of spring with the vernal equinox, here in the United States, people in other places around the world use different systems, like the lunar calendar, to track the changing seasons. In Japan, people take their cue from the flowers themselves. They don’t start spring until their national flower; cherry blossoms are in bloom.

A punch of color in a compact, trendy design. A customer favorite. An absolutely perfect gift. Approx. 10" x 10"

Simple and Spring

When Do Spring Flowers Normally Bloom?

Some flowers like Lenten roses, crocuses, and snowdrops don’t even wait for winter to be kind-of-over before they bloom. Even in cold climates, these flowers push through the snow and frost to show their brilliant colors as early as the end of January.

Regular early spring bloomers typically start blossoming around the end of March. These first flowers of the season include tulips, daffodils, irises, pansies, and hyacinth. Later bloomers that need more sunshine and growing time to blossom include daisies, bluebells, roses, lilacs, and peonies. These flowers tend to come out in May and June.

Seven Superb Flowers of Spring

With so many flowers blooming in spring, it’s not easy to pick favorites. We chose these top seven based on their sweet fragrances, exceptional beauty, and special seasonal symbolism.




1. Daffodils

Of all spring flowers, daffodils are probably the most typical of the season. Like springtime, they also stand as symbols of new beginnings, rebirth, and renewal. We also love their fun, trumpet-shaped blooms in yellow, white, and orange.





Pink Tulips


2. Tulips

Springtime wouldn’t be the same without tulips. Whether you’re celebrating Easter, a spring birthday, or another special occasion, you can’t go wrong with a jelly-bean-colored bouquet of mixed tulips. These flowers bloom in just about every color and color combination you can imagine. In general, they symbolize love, but individual colors have their meanings, too. For example, white tulips represent forgiveness, red tulips symbolize true love, and yellow tulips stand for happy thoughts.






3. Daisies

Daisies bloom late in the season, but they’re worth the wait. These delicate beauties have fresh, white petals and bright yellow centers. They’re perfect for celebrating Mother’s Day because they symbolize motherhood and childbirth.





Blush Ranunculus


4. Ranunculus

Ranunculus blooms have a whimsical sort of beauty that you can’t overlook in a bouquet. They fittingly symbolize attractiveness and charm and blossom in a variety of gorgeous colors.





Pink Azaleas


5. Azaleas

This flowering shrub has delicate blooms in shades of red, pink, and white that represent femininity. They make excellent gifts as potted plants and are also commonly incorporated in freshly cut bouquets.





Purple Iris


6. Irises

Irises get their name from the Greek word for rainbow, and they do bloom in a lot of different colors and color combinations. With unique flowers atop sturdy stalks, these blooms will tower over other flowers in the garden and look lovely in a tall cylindrical vase.





Assorted Freesia


7. Freesia

Freesia, the flowers of friendship, are best known for their lovely fragrance that’s made in perfumes and candles. These flowers are also quite stunning to look at, too. With up to a dozen blossoms per stem, they bloom in strikingly vibrant hues.




The Best Way to Celebrate Spring Is With Fresh Flowers, Of Course!

If you’re excited to welcome spring, we recommend bringing it right inside your home. There’s no better way to brighten up a room and freshen the air than with a lovely seasonal floral design from Mary Murray’s Flowers. Whether you’re ready to fall in love with freesia or tap dance with tulips, spring flowers are sure to elevate your mood, giving you that fresh springtime feeling.